Thursday, December 18, 2008

News 11/12/2008

**Service Delivery and Organisation (SDO) R&D Programme**

Evaluating Partnerships Between Universities and NHS Organisations.
A maximum of £600,000 per project
Applicants are asked to submit full proposals for this call by Thursday, 26th February 2009 at 1.00 pm.

Primary Care and Community Health Services.
A budget of up to £475,000 per project
Applicants are asked to submit outline proposals for the above call by Thursday, 19th February 2009 at 1.00 pm.

Evaluating Innovations in Integrating Health and Social Care for Adults and Older People Projects.
A budget of up to £475,000 per project
Applicants are asked to submit outline proposals for the above call by Tuesday, 24th February 2009 at 1.00 pm.

Wednesday, December 03, 2008

News 03/12/08

Don't miss the latest HTA Themed Update newsletter detailing how the National Institute for Health Research Health Technology Assessment (NIHR HTA) programme is supporting the research needs of the NHS. It features an in-depth look at the expansion of the HTA programme and key HTA research which is providing vital clinical expertise to the NHS.

To download the newsletter, visit the HTA programme website:

The NIHR HTA programme is inviting outline research proposals within the broad area of diagnostic tests and test technologies. It will consider research which evaluates tests used for the diagnosis, staging, grading, monitoring, prediction or the prognosis of disease or ill health.
Outline proposals for primary research or evidence synthesis for this call must be submitted by 1pm on 25 February 2009.

Further details can be found at: